This unending tirade against Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas by the author of Two in One continues relentlessly and for some reason or the other, Abdul Hafeez quotes some revelations vouchsafed unto Hadhrat Ahmadas without actually stating what he finds objectionable about them. In the absence of him stating his objections, one can only assume that he probably objects to these being vouchsafed unto Hadhrat Ahmadas in a language other than Arabic. In that event, one would ask him as to what would he make of the following revelation vouchsafed unto Hadhrat Muhammadsa in Persian:
If, on the other hand, this pir from Gujjo wishes to argue that Hadhrat Ahmadas received revelations to the effect that he had been favored with blessings from God and that his reward is near or that God is pleased with him and has chosen him some revelations to which effect the author of Two in One is seen to cite, then one would ask him again as to what is so objectionable about this when it is an admitted fact that the pleasure of God inspires Hs servants with such revelations. For instance, Hadhrat Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilanirh stated:
'When you attain perfection in fana, your rank near God will be raised and you will be addressed with the words: This day you are with Us, a dignified, trusted one.'4
Hence, the revered saint who suffered the wrath of Abdul Hafeez's spiritual predecessors' stated:
'The words wa-stana'tu-ka li-nafsi [ie., I have chosen thee especially for Myself] which are in the Quranic verse 20.41 were revealed to Abdul Qadir Jilani several times.'
Hadhrat Sayyid Wali Ullah Shah also stated that he received a revelation to the effect:
'I will give thee a course of teaching for spiritual progress which shall take man nearer to God than any of the existing courses of teaching for spiritual progress and it shall be more powerful than any of them.'
Maulvi Abdullah Ghaznavi is also stated to have been inspired with several such revelations which were verses from the Holy Quran, as for instance:
'He is only thy servant upon whom We bestowed favors.'
The above verse is recorded in Surah Zukhruf9. He is also stated to have been inspired with the revelation:
'Thou art from Me and I am from thee. So fear not grieve.'10
What then is so objectional about Hadhrat Ahmadas being inspired with similar kinds of revelations and why should Abdul Hafeez take exception to it?
- Shah, Syed Abdul Hafeez. Two in One. p. 66/7
- Kausar al Nabi. Kitabul Fai
- Shah, Syed Abdul Hafeez. Two in One, p. 66/7
- Jilani, [Hadhrat] Sayyid Abdul Qadir. Futuh al Ghaib, p. 171
- Ibne Waseem. Halat e Janab e Gauth e Azam, p. 1
- Jilani, [Hadhrat] Sayyid Abdul Qadir, Fatuh al Ghaib, p. 171.
- Shah, [Hadhrat] Sayyid Wali Ullah. Tafhimat, vol. 1, p. 45
- Ghaznavi, Abdullah. Biography of Maulvi Abdullah Ghaznavi by Abdul Jabbar Ghaznavi
- Al Quran 43.60
- Ghaznavi, Abdullah. vide Biography of Maulvi Abdullah Ghaznavi.
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